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Saturdays @ 10:00 AM ,To Be Determined

Who is this class recommended for? This is a chair/standing work class with gentle poses and breath work (Possible gentle floor work). Integrated Positional Therapy stretches are incorporated in this class to aid in easing pain and discomfort. Postures are performed while seated & standing with or without the aid of a chair for balance or additional stretches. Yogaease offers exercises for increased flexibility, balance, and strengthening. Cultivate your Innercise and balance your mental and physical well-being. Poses are adapted to your abilities.

Where? In-Person-Angela’s Home Studio, Dahlonega, Georgia (or Virtual with Zoom Link)

Cost/registration? PayPal link on Facebook (FB) or on this website on Shop page. Class is $7.00/class . Find the Monthly subscription option on my website Shop page. Otherwise the In-Person class is $7/class- cash.

OR if you are a Silver Sneakers member, I just need your Silver Sneakers 16 digit member number for both In-person & Virtual. There is a place for you to provide payment or SS number when you ask to join this Group on my FB page. Providing your Silver Sneakers member number allows you to have access to any On Demand classes in any group.

Schedule: Class meets Saturday TBD, 10:00am-10:45am. (Class is both Virtual & In-Person) Limit of 5 people at Angela’s home studio.

What should I bring? Wear comfortable clothes. We are following CDC Guidelines for In-Person Class, Please bring your own Mask, Yoga mat. Chairs will be provided. Proof of vaccination/Booster.

Have questions?